Understanding title ownership statistics in Marketplace

On title details pages and search results pages in OverDrive Marketplace, you'll see ownership statistics for titles that you've purchased.

If a number is shaded and underlined, you can click it for more information. For example, you may be able to click the number under MA to see the expiration date or checkouts left for a Metered Access title.

Copies section

The Copies section shows how many copies of a title you own, broken down by lending model: OC/OU (One Copy/One User), MA (Metered Access), CPC (Cost Per Circ), SU (Simultaneous Use), and Class Set (only includes On-Demand Class Sets; schools only).

Note: Titles in the "MA: by checkout (concurrent users)" lending model will show the number of checkouts remaining as the number of copies you own.

For schools, you'll also see if any copies of the title have been designated for Lucky Day or reserved for content bundles.

Reserved section (libraries only)

Lucky Day shows how many copies of the title you've designated for Lucky Day.

Holds section

  • Active shows how many copies of that title in your collection have an active hold.
  • Suspended shows how many current holds on the title have been suspended by users (including holds that users have chosen to "deliver later").
  • Ratio is the number of holds on a title divided by the number of copies you own (excluding Lucky Day copies, reserved copies, suspended holds, and "deliver later" holds). Learn more about holds ratios.

Checkouts section

  • Out shows how many copies of that title in your collection are currently checked out.
  • Last shows the most recent date the title was checked out.
  • Past year shows how many times the title was checked out in the last twelve months.
  • Total shows the sum of current and historical checkouts of the title.

Advantage numbers

If you belong to a shared collection (also called a consortium), you may see two sets of numbers. The first line shows figures for the shared collection/consortium, and the second line shows figures for Advantage collections.

If you're signed in with a shared collection/consortium account, the Advantage numbers include copies from all Advantage collections.

If you're signed in with an Advantage account, the Advantage numbers include copies from just your Advantage collection.

Advantage Plus

In the "Consortium" row, Adv Plus shows how many copies of the title have been shared with the shared collection/consortium by Advantage members. In the "Advantage" row, Adv Plus shows how many copies you've shared with the shared collection/consortium.

Last Updated: 08 January 2024 04:49 PM