How to revoke CPC titles

Permission required: Purchase

You can revoke Cost Per Circ (CPC) titles to remove them from your collection.

When you revoke a CPC title:

  • Any users who have the title borrowed can keep the title until the end of the lending period.
  • Any users who have already been notified about an available CPC hold will still be able to borrow it.

If you'd like to temporarily prevent new CPC checkouts but still allow users to place holds on CPC titles, you can pause CPC checkouts instead.

Revoking individual CPC titles

  1. Sign into OverDrive Marketplace.
  2. In the Shop drop-down, select Cost Per Circ.
  3. Search for the title you'd like to revoke.
  4. Click Revoke.
  5. In the pop-up, click Revoke again to remove the title within 24 hours.
    Or, select Schedule when to revoke to choose a later date to remove it, then click Update.

Revoking all CPC titles

  1. Sign into OverDrive Marketplace.
  2. In the Shop drop-down, select Cost Per Circ.
  3. In the left navigation menu, select Revoke all CPC titles.
  4. In the pop-up, select Revoke all to confirm.
    Note: It can take up to 24 hours for revoked titles to be removed from your OverDrive collection.
Last Updated: 08 January 2024 04:49 PM