How to add more copies to a title assignment

Even if you had enough copies of a title in your collection when you created an assignment, you might get a notification saying the assignment needs more copies. This usually happens if the title is metered by checkout and all the checkouts are used before the assignment's start date.

You can click the link in the notification email to purchase more copies for a title assignment. Or, to see all assignments that need more copies:

  1. Sign into OverDrive Marketplace.
  2. Select the Admin drop-down, then Title assignments.
  3. In calendar view, navigate to the month your assignment is active, then select Needs more copies above the calendar.
    Title assignments calendar with the Need more copies filter enabled
    From here, you can select edit, then click the title to go to its details page and purchase more copies.

The assignment will be canceled 7 days after the start date if more copies aren't purchased.

Last Updated: 26 January 2024 04:56 PM