How to edit or delete a title assignment

Permission required: Title assignments

Title assignments can only be edited or deleted by the person who created the assignment, or by a Marketplace user with a set of high-level permissions: Users, School site admin, Marketplace settings, and Title assignments.

To edit or delete an assignment:

  1. Sign into OverDrive Marketplace.
  2. Select the Admin drop-down, then Title assignments.
  3. Find the assignment you'd like to edit or delete.
  4. Once you've found the assignment:
    • To edit: Click pencil iconnext to the assignment, make your changes, then click Save assignment.
      Once an assignment is active, you won't be able to edit its start date or change any user IDs. To add more users to an active assignment, you'll need to create a new assignment.
    • To delete: Click x button next to the assignment, then click Confirm.
      Once an assignment is active, you won't be able to delete it. Instead, you can change the end date to today's date to end the assignment early.
Last Updated: 08 January 2024 04:49 PM