How to see how many titles were purchased during a specific time period

Permission required: Reports

For a complete view of your library or school's purchases during a specific time period, use a combination of the following reports (under Insights > Purchase & order reports).

  • The Purchased titles summary report summarizes purchase data for One Copy/One User and Metered Access content. The summary includes the number of unique titles and copies purchased during the date range you enter in the report's criteria.
  • The Simultaneous Use orders report shows active and expired Simultaneous Use plans that were ordered for your collection within the date range you enter in the report's criteria. You can see the number of titles in each order in the "Units" column.
    Note: If you have any subscription services, orders for those services will also be included in this report.
  • The Recalled titles report lists titles that were purchased or preordered during the date range you enter in the report's criteria, but that were recalled by the publisher.

To view CPC purchases during your date range, go to Billing > View invoices, select Search invoices, enter your desired date range, remove filters from the "Payment status" field, and select Content: Cost Per Circ under "Invoice type." You'll need to click into each invoice to see the number of titles.

Last Updated: 08 January 2024 04:49 PM