About the "Unique users" report

With this report, you can view how many unique users have borrowed titles from your collection by day, month, year, or branch (if applicable). We recommend comparing this report with the New users report to look for matching trends.

If you have Marketplace settings permission, you can also opt to show user IDs (library card numbers or usernames) in this report by adjusting your Marketplace settings (under the Admin tab).

For an accurate count of unique users, set the "Unique users with checkouts by" field to the largest time frame you need (year, month, day). For example, if you need a count of unique users in a certain year, set the "Unique users with checkouts by" field to Year, then view that year's numbers. If you choose smaller time frames and then add them together (such as viewing unique users by month, then adding all 12 months of a year together), some users may be counted multiple times.

Important notes:

  • To run this report from the inception date of your digital collection: Open the report. In the "Report options" window, make sure the "Period type," "Date," or "Date range" is Specific, leave the start date and end date fields blank, and click Update. For large reports, select Create worksheet to export a CSV file of your results.
  • This report may show fewer monthly unique users than the "unique users" trend line at the bottom of your Trends page. This is because this report only includes users who borrow titles, while the monthly trend line includes any user who borrows a title or places a hold.
Last Updated: 28 February 2024 09:51 AM