How to search by publisher in Marketplace

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To search by publisher:

  1. Sign into OverDrive Marketplace.
  2. Select the Shop drop-down, then select a lending model.
    If you select Simultaneous Use, you'll see a page of publishers grouped by magazines, ebooks, and audiobooks. Select a publisher to see the Simultaneous Use content they offer in that format.
    If you select any other lending model, continue to step 3.
  3. Click Advanced search at the top of the page.
  4. Fill in any or all of the following fields:
    • Publisher account (includes parent publishing accounts, e.g., HarperCollins Publishers Inc.)
    • Publisher (includes individual publishers, e.g., HarperAudio)
    • Imprint (includes publisher imprints, e.g., Greenwillow Books)
  5. Enter any other search criteria you'd like, then click Search.
Last Updated: 06 February 2024 11:57 AM